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Accelerating Nature-Based Climate Solutions

The project focusses on carbon sequestration (the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere), where there is significant ...

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Accelerating Opportunities within the Newhaven Enterprise Zone

Newhaven Enterprise Zone The Newhaven Enterprise Zone, which launched in 2017 and covers approximately 79 hectares, is a cata...

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Building Back Better

This project has been withdrawn from the SSF programme. The project would have looked to increase the role of Social Enterpri...

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Buy Local South East

The Food and Drink sector has become increasingly important on the regional government agenda in recent years, with food tour...

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Carbon Pathways (C-Path)

Carbon Pathway (C-Path) is a dynamic cloud-based resource that will be used to design, facilitate, accelerate and monitor inv...

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Catalyst for Culture

The project seeks to develop industry knowledge in the creation, presentation and dissemination of socially distanced perform...

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Coastal Communities Supplement to the SELEP Strategic Economic Plan

This project is intended to prepare a coastal supplement to the revised SELEP Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), to act as an…

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Creative Open Workspace Masterplan and Prospectus

The SELEP Creative Open Workspace Masterplan and Prospectus project drives growth, innovation and prosperity by supporting…

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Delivering Skills for the Future

The SELEP Skills Strategy highlights the widespread shortage of tutors, teachers and trainers across the area, also…

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Delivering Skills for the Future (project extension)

The Delivering Skills for the Future SSF project was approved in April 2019 and sought to address the widespread shortage of ...

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Energy and Clean Growth – Supply Chain Mapping project

The low carbon economy is predicted to grow four times faster than the rest of the economy The Energy and Clean Growth -…

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England’s Creative Coast

The project will create an innovative new immersive visitor experience driven by world class art, which aims to build the…

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Future Proof: Accelerating Delivery of High Quality Development Across the LEP

By the end of 2019 the project will seek to create a radically different financial product (FP) used to accelerate the…

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Future skills for Rural Businesses

The project will scope, plan and prioritise the future rural skills, training and business support needs and will…

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Good Food Growth Campaign

This pan-LEP project will support growers, processors, retailers, food businesses and new entrants to raise awareness of the…

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Gourmet Garden Trails

Gourmet Garden Trails is a Discover England Fund funded project to launch a series of tourist trails showcasing England’s…

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Gourmet Garden Trails (Extension)

The Gourmet Garden Trails project has previously received SSF funding and completed delivery. However, in the light of the CO...

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Kent Medical Campus Enterprise Zone – Innovation Centre design work

The Sector Support Fund funding has been sought to contribute towards covering the cost of anticipated total design stage…

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North Kent Enterprise Zone: Enabling and Marketing

The North Kent Enterprise Zone (NKEZ) was designated by Government in Autumn 2015 and came into operation on 1 April 2017 It…

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Re-Building Confidence and Demand in the Visitor Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted the visitor economy, with a huge dropped forecast compared to 2019. Therefore, tar...

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South East Export Development (SEED)

The SEED project will address known export barriers (lack of international contacts and export knowledge/capacity) through an...

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