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Carbon Pathways (C-Path)


Carbon Pathway (C-Path) is a dynamic cloud-based resource that would be used to design, facilitate, accelerate and monitor investment in the Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE), in partnership with and accessible to public and private bodies across the SE LEP region. Focussed on supporting initiatives across all 4 federated areas, C-Path includes:


  1. An accessible and constantly evolving data store of multiple relevant data sources, with automated, scheduled updates.
  1. A flexible build and appraisal tool enabling stakeholders to develop & invest in energy and related schemes to meet challenging policy and strategic goals
  1. Modelling and machine-learning to forecast the full range of impacts – e.g. economic growth, carbon reduction, financial impact, job creation, fuel poverty and local health
  1. Automated programme appraisal to enable the monitoring and updating of a scheme in delivery mode, ensuring real-time reporting of actual impacts and a continuous cycle of learning

Sector Support Fund

The Sector Support Fund (SSF) is a £500,000 per year pot to support one-off, discrete pieces of work of a pan-LEP nature with a sector focus that brings demonstrable benefit and has support across the LEP. At the June 2020 meeting a further £1 million was allocated to the SSF programme and it was extended until 31 March 2022 or when the fund is exhausted, whichever is sooner, The criteria was extended to ensure projects act to support the Covid-19 economic recovery and /or support the economy through the EU transition process.

It uses Growing Places Fund (GPF) Revenue grant to fund a programme of works to support the sector focussed activities that are being undertaken on a pan-LEP basis and predominantly led by the SELEP working groups. When the Growing Places Fund (GPF) grant was originally awarded, a proportion of the fund was earmarked as revenue which is being used for the Sector Support Fund.

Funding value: £99,061
Total Project cost: £141,516
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