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Good Governance


Federated Boards

The LEP operated on the principle of subsidiarity. This meant that decisions should have been taken at the practical level closest to the communities and businesses affected by those decisions.

The LEP’s ‘federal’ model of operation provided a clear structure for this approach. This allowed for local decision making around individual projects and for decision-making of a more crosscutting nature at the LEP Strategic Board.

We worked with and were supported by:

  • Success Essex
  • Kent and Medway Economic Partnership
  • Opportunity South Essex
  • Team East Sussex

Please note that Success Essex and Opportunity South Essex no longer operate.


  • Ensure that the SELEP Managing Director is informed of all meetings and that the SELEP team is given the opportunity to attend
  • Work with the incumbent Chair to provide the SELEP Team with clear and updated nominations for membership of the Strategic Board
  • Finalise local priorities and/or a vision for the federal area which is in line with the LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan and the LEP’s approach to project prioritisation. Click here to view our strategic documents
  • Coordinate reports as required to the LEP Strategic and Accountability Boards and monitor and report on all LEP investments in the area
  • Champion the work of the LEP to local communities
  • Ensure the transparency and accountability of decisions and recommendations made at local level
  • Enable collective engagement with all local authority leaders within the Federal Area to ensure that there is a clear mandate for decision making on growth priorities and supporting collaboration and joint delivery at executive level
  • Ensure on-going local engagement with public and private sector partners to inform key decisions and set out how they will evidence effective engagement
  • Ensure that there is local engagement with and feedback to the general public about future strategy development and progress against delivery of the SEP (Strategic Economic Plan), including key projects and spend against those projects and that this can be evidenced
  • Work with the LEP to publish arrangements for developing, prioritising, appraising and approving projects, with a view to ensuring that a wide range of delivery partners can be involved

Kent and Medway Economic Partnership


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Opportunity South Essex (OSE)


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Success Essex


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Team East Sussex (TES)


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