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Javelin Way Development Project (Getting Building Fund)


Approval Status


Fully Approved

Delivery status


GBF Project Delivered

Project Completion Date


Summer 2023

​Javelin Way is an employment site on the Henwood Industrial Estate in Ashford. The project will support the development of the site for employment use, with a focus on the development of Ashford’s creative economy.

The scheme consists of two elements:

  • The construction of a ‘Creative Laboratory’ production space (with a ground floor internal area of 1,293 sqm). This will be leased from Kent County Council by Jasmin Vardimon Company, a world-renowned dance company and creative organisation.
  • The development of 29 light industrial units (with a gross internal area of 3,046 sqm), for sale and/or lease, suitable for additional creative businesses as well as the general market. Mezzanine floors will be available for the 29 industrial units, with full flexibility on the sizes of mezzanines to meet market demand.

The delivery of the project is also being supported through Growing Places Fund loan investment totalling £1,597,000. Further information on this investment can be found here.

Award of additional GBF funding

A new GBF prioritised pipeline was established to support projects experiencing cost increases due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit or due to high inflation levels, or seeking to extend the original project to support further phases of an existing project was agreed by the Strategic Board in October 2022.

The project was included on the new GBF project and the award of an additional £235,728 GBF was approved by the Accountability Board on 25 November 2022. 

Project Outputs/Outcomes
Jobs created 202
Construction Jobs 110
Jobs Safeguarded 27
Businesses Assisted 30
Learners assisted 48
Km of roads, cycle lanes and walkways maintained 0.5Km
Commercial space unlocked (sq m) 3,916
New/improved learning and training floorspace (sq m) 1,293
New Broadband Connections 30
Sqm of Public Realm or Green Space Improved 30

£85m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock

The Getting Building Fund focuses on projects that can progress quickly and that will stimulate and better integrate economies in some of the most economically impacted and COVID-affected parts of the South East.

£85m of Getting Building Fund investment has been secured, enabling delivery of 45 projects across East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock.

Find out more here

Funding value: £814,452
Total Project cost: £12,196,452
Return to Capital Investment