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The Victoria Centre, Southend


Approval Status


Fully approved

Delivery Status


Design in progress

Expected Completion Date


Autumn 2024

The Victoria Centre, Southend project will refurbish six empty units on the first floor of the Victoria Shopping Centre in Southend-on-Sea.

Following the re-fit, the units will be let out to new and local businesses on turnover based rent, with Southend-on-Sea City Council acting as the landlord. The primary project impacts will be to help new businesses become established within the city centre, revitalise the shopping centre and increase local employment levels.

Project Outputs/Outcomes
Commercial space 279 sqm
Jobs created 25

£85m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock

The Getting Building Fund focuses on projects that can progress quickly and that will stimulate and better integrate economies in some of the most economically impacted and COVID-affected parts of the South East.

£85m of Getting Building Fund investment has been secured, enabling delivery of 45 projects across East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock.

Funding value: £579,232
Total Project cost: £600,000
Return to Capital Investment