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Low Carbon in the South East (LoCASE)

Who is this project for?

SMEs in all sectors, who are looking to improve business performance by implementing energy efficiency measures, and businesses in the Low Carbon and Environmental Goods sector (LCEGS) who are looking to grow.

What does it offer?
  • Targeted workshops across the SELEP area
  • Direct business advice and support ; energy efficiency audits
  • Grants of up to £10,000 grants (40% intervention rate) to implement energy efficiency measures + other capital costs for LCEGS businesses
Who is delivering this project?

Kent County Council, with delivery partners East Sussex and Essex County Councils, Southend and Thurrock Councils, and the University of Brighton (Green Growth Platform).

This project will run until 30 April 2019.

European Regional Development Fund

The South East LEP has been given an indicative allocation of £74.1 million of ERDF for projects to support Jobs and Growth in our area. The funding is focussed as follows:

  • Support for Research and Innovation (priority axis 1)
  • SME Growth and Competitiveness (priority axis 3)
  • Shift Towards a Low Carbon Economy (priority axis 4)

Find out more here

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