The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) is delighted to announce Helen Russell as its new Chief Executive. Helen will work alongside SELEP Chair Sarah Dance to further the LEP’s strategic agenda and its emerging transition plans over the coming year.

Helen has been part of the executive team at the South East LEP since June 2019, leading on Strategy and Intelligence. She has worked to develop the Recovery and Renewal Strategy and the LEP’s Intelligence function.
She has played a major role in bringing together the South East Major projects group and driving forward strong relationships with businesses and key sectors across the South East.
Helen has an extensive background in education, skills and economic development, working with organisations such as the Department of Education, Training and Development Agency, and Essex County Council, as well in senior leadership positions within further and higher education.
Helen also has experience managing her own business in the South East, in her role as Director of Wharf Professional Ltd which has seen her work on a number of projects and initiatives in the region, developing a wealth of experience in research and development, strategic planning, business engagement, marketing, project delivery and organisational change.
In this new role, Helen will work alongside Chair Sarah Dance, the SELEP Board and executive team to maintain relationships with SELEP’s business partners, neighbouring LEPs and other stakeholders, including Government ministers, local MPs, local authority leaders and key players in the areas of further and higher education.
Helen Russell said:
“I am very much looking forward to this next step in my work within the LEP. Having been involved in many exciting areas of the LEPs work over the last four years, I welcome the opportunity to continue championing our partnership working, which is the cornerstone of SELEP’s approach, to celebrate our work over the last decade and lead our strategic direction in the near future.
“Alongside this, there is much work to do as we guide SELEP through a transition, which will see our work brought into closer alignment with local authorities. We will work with all local areas to do this in a way which retains the LEP’s network and public private sector partnerships, with the shared goal of a better economy for the South East and its residents.”
SELEP Chair Sarah Dance said:
“I am delighted that Helen will taking up the role of Chief Executive of South East LEP Ltd. Helen has extensive experience with the South East LEP already, is well connected, respected and brings a valuable, knowledgeable perspective to our work.
“We remain focused on the LEP’s ongoing and important work of collaborating, convening, and delivering to continue to support good growth, the local economy, the businesses and the communities in the South East, with a number of key areas of work to be delivered throughout the coming year.”
Helen will officially take up the role from 28th July 2023 when current Chief Executive Adam Bryan departs to take up a new role as Director of Place at Medway Council.